We are glad to announce that the WINFOCUS World Symposium 2023, an international virtual event on Point of Care Ultrasound, will be held on Saturday, December 2nd (see attached program – see also http://winfocusworldcongress.com).
For the event, 8 EU and 8 AMA CME credits have been requested. You can register using the QR code on the flyer attached.
As you will see, the cost for registration is quite competitive (37 Eur in Serbia, 67 Eur maximum in other European Countries) and, according to the pricing policy of WINFOCUS, the price is reduced to a symbolic figure for colleagues from all over the world living in low-resource countries.
In line with the vision and mission of WINFOCUS, the symposium will be offered free of charge to all the staff of EMERGENCY and Médecins Sans Frontières NGOs, as part of humanitarian projects in which WINFOCUS is engaged.
Your participation will therefore also make it possible to support WINFOCUS in the effort to promote pocus training where it is most needed.
By entering the discount code “ VIA25 „, you will also be entitled to a further 25% reduction on the registration fee.
We hope you will take advantage of this educational opportunity and look forward to meeting you at WINFOCUS World Symposium 2023!