Kurs transezofagijalne


Poštovane kolege i dragi članovi,

Ehokardiografsko udruženje Srbije (ECHOS) se od početka svog osnivanja bavi edukacijom iz oblasti ehokardiografije. ECHOS, kao članica Evropske asocijacije za kardiovaskularni imidžing (European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging- EACVI), svoje aktivnosti sprovodi u skladu sa EACVI smernicama.
Sadašnja praksa u gotovo svim Evropskim zemljama članicama EACVI, obuhvata nekoliko nivoa edukacije shodno važećim preporukama. Prvobitno je potrebna teorijska edukacija sa mogućnošću sticanja prvih iskustava na radu sa TEE simulatorima. Drugi nivo edukacije praktičan rad sa polaznicima, po tipu angažmana i odlaska proktora u centar, koji počinje rad sa ovom tehnikom. Poslednji nivo edukacije iz TEE je rad pri interventnim kardiološkim procedurama.

ECHOS-ov prvi kurs iz savremene 2D – i 3D – transezofagijalne ehokardiografije, podržan od strane EACVI, je održan decembra 2023 g, pobudio je veliko interesovanje kolega iz zemalja celog regiona, te smo i pored velike želje da svima izađemo u susret imali mnogo veći broj prijavljenih od naših mogućnosti u želji da svima zaista pružimo kvalitetnu edukaciju. Obzirom na pozitivne komentare učesnika, kao i veliku zainteresovanost stručne javnosti odlučili smo se da ove godine organizujemo ponovno ECHOS-ov drugi kurs iz kliničke 2D – i 3D – transezofagijalne ehokardiografije, 09. i 10.Novembra 2024 g.

Kurs obuhvata teorijsku nastavu i rad na simulatorima po oblastima koje se prethodno teoretski obrade (17 predavanja, 6 radionica po 90 minuta na simulatorima i sesiju sa prikazima slučajeva iz svakodnevne prakse (program je u prilogu).
Kurs se održava u Hotelu Moxy Beograd, u Beogradu tokom 09. i 10. novembra 2024. godine.
U izvođenju ovog kursa će učestvovati domaći i strani predavači sa višegodišnjim iskustvom iz ove oblasti.
Kurs je akreditovan od strane Zdravstvenog Saveta Srbije i EACVI.

Upustva za registraciju možete videti ovde.

Kurs je akreditovan od strane EACVI (European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging)

Dear colleagues and esteemed members,

Since its inception, the Echocardiographic Society of Serbia (ECHOS) has been dedicated to education in the field of echocardiography. ECHOS, as a member of the European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), conducts its activities in accordance with EACVI guidelines.

The current practice in almost all European countries that are EACVI members includes several levels of education in accordance with the relevant recommendations. Initially, theoretical education is required with the possibility of gaining first-hand experience working with TOE simulators. The second level of education involves practical work with participants, including the engagement and visit of proctors to the center that is starting to work with this technique. The final level of TOE education is working during interventional cardiology procedures.

ECHOS’s first course on contemporary 2D and 3D transesophageal echocardiography, supported by the EACVI, was held in December 2023 and attracted great interest from colleagues from countries across the region. Despite our great desire to accommodate everyone, we had a much larger number of applicants than our capacity allowed, as we wanted to provide truly high-quality education. Based on the positive feedback from participants and the great interest from the professional community, we have decided to organize ECHOS’s second course on clinical 2D and 3D transesophageal echocardiography on November 9th and 10th, 2024.

The course includes theoretical instruction and work on simulators in areas previously covered theoretically (17 lectures, 6 workshops of 90 minutes each on simulators, and a session with case presentations from everyday practice (see attached program).

The course will be held at the Hotel Moxy Belgrade in Belgrade on November 9th and 10th, 2024. It will be conducted by both domestic and foreign lecturers with extensive experience in this field The course is accredited by the Health Council of Serbia and the EACVI.

Registration instructions can be found here.

Kurs je akreditovan od strane EACVI (European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging)


Za kurs transezofagijalne ehokardiografije

Registracija za ECHOS TEE kurs je moguća jedino putem slanja pojedinačne prijave na mail tee.echos@gmail.com



Prijava mora sadžati:

  1. Ime i prezime
  2. Adresa Stanovanja
  3. Lične karte / Pasoša
  4. Broj licence
  5. Ustanova u kojoj kadidat je zaposlen
  6. Prethodno obrazovanje
  7. Dokaz o izvršenoj uplati / 84 000 RSD (700Eu) za članove ECHOS a ili 90 000 RSD (750 Eu) ostali

Smeštaj u Hotelu Moxy ( gde se i održava seminar) po sniženim cenama je moguće ostvariti putem direktne rezervacije putem linka



Dodatne informacije: Mirjana@kongresniturizam.com


Uputsvo za plaćanje:

Građani Srbije:

Celokupan iznos cene kursa uplatite na račun udruženja ECHOS (165-26205-97 Addiko banka);

svrha uplate: ECHOS TEE kurs ; primalac: Ehokardiografsko udruženje Srbije – ECHOS.

Strani državljani:

Celokupan iznos cene kursa uplatite na račun udruženja ECHOS po sledećim upustvima:


for the ECHOS TEE course

Registration for the ECHOS TEE course is only possible by sending the individual application to the email tee.echos@gmail.com.



The application must include:

  1. First and last name
  2. Residential address
  3. ID/Passport number
  4. License number
  5. Institution where the applicant is employed
  6. Previous education
  7. Proof of payment / 84,000 RSD (700 EUR) for ECHOS members or 90,000 RSD (750 EUR) for others

Accommodation at the Moxy Hotel (where the seminar is held) can be arranged at discounted rates through direct reservation via the link:



Additional Information: Mirjana@kongresniturizam.com


Payment instructions:

For Serbian citizens:

The full course fee should be paid to the account of the ECHOS association (165-26205-97 Addiko Bank); purpose of payment: ECHOS TEE course; recipient: Echocardiographic Society of Serbia – ECHOS.

For foreign nationals:

The full course fee should be paid to the account of the ECHOS association according to the following instructions:
